The Aspromonte massif, due to the peculiar geographical location and to the several geological and climatic features, is widely recognized as a very interessant biodiversity hotspot. In this area, located at the extreme Southern portion of the Apennines, the biodiversity knowledges are increasing continuously. In the district of the Aspromonte National Park many wetland areas with several different features occur, such as small water courses, ponds, swamps, ecc. Among those with highest biodiversity richness, rarest, and often affected by environmental changes, the Sphagnum bogs, the montane water courses, and the riparian lands inhabited by the fern Woodwardia radicans must be considered. The primary role played by the wetland areas in the biodiversity conservation is widely recognized even by several reccomendations, laws, and international agreements, all aimed to their protection. They play a primary role in the ecosystems as water regulators of the continental outflow, of the territory hydraulic regime and of the waters quality. This study represents the first contribution to the knowledge of the staphylinids beetles inhabiting the wetlands areas of the Aspromonte National Park. This study has been carried out using different monitoring and sampling techniques, aimed to collect the species living in several microhabitats. The main goal was studying biodiversity (community structure and its relative abundance of species) and to highlight even the characteristic species living in the several wetland areas occurring in the high differentiated environmental district of the Park. Staphylinid beetles, due to their high number of species known for the Italian fauna and to the high capability of inhabiting several macro and microhabitats, from the sea level to the high altitude alpine belts, are very suitable if used as bioindicators, mostly in a very high differentiated environmental district as the Aspromonte massif. The distributional models, the endemic species, and the relevant faunistic and biogeographical data emerging from this study emphasize and confirm the relevance of the montane wetland areas as biodiversity reserves in the Mediterranean basin.
Il massiccio dell'Aspromonte, per la peculiarità della sua posizione geografica e per la varietà dei contesti geologici e climatici, rappresenta notoriamente un interessante hotspot di biodiversità. In questa area, all’estremo sud dell’Appennino, le conoscenze sulla biodiversità entomologica sono in continuo incremento. Nel territorio del Parco Nazionale dell’Aspromonte sono presenti diverse tipologie di zone umide, quali corsi d’acqua, stagni, pantani, ecc. Tra quelle più ricche in biodiversità, più rare e più sensibili alle alterazioni ambientali, sono sicuramente da annoverare le torbiere a sfagni, gli ambienti rivulari montani e gli ambienti ripicoli dove vegeta la pteridofita Woodwardia radicans. L’importante ruolo svolto dalle zone umide nella conservazione della biodiversità è riconosciuto anche da diverse normative e convenzioni internazionali destinate alla loro salvaguardia. Esse hanno un ruolo importante negli ecosistemi anche come regolatrici dei deflussi delle acque continentali, del regime idraulico del territorio e della qualità delle acque. Questo lavoro rappresenta il primo contributo alla conoscenza dei coleotteri stafilinidi presenti all’interno delle aree umide del Parco Nazionale dell’Aspromonte. Lo studio è stato condotto utilizzando varie tecniche di monitoraggio e campionamento, finalizzate a individuare le specie presenti nei differenti microambienti. L’obiettivo principale è stato quello di studiare la diversità (composizione delle comunità e abbondanza relativa delle specie) e di individuare anche le specie caratteristiche dei vari habitat umidi, molto differenziati a seconda dell’ambiente, presenti nel territorio del Parco. I Coleotteri Stafilinidi infatti, dato l’elevato numero di specie conosciute per la fauna italiana e l’elevata capacità di colonizzare differenti tipi di macro e microambienti, dalle rive del mare al piano nivale, si prestano molto bene per essere utilizzati come bioindicatori, soprattutto in un contesto ad alta diversità ambientale come quello del massiccio Aspromontano. I modelli distributivi, gli endemismi e le rilevanti novità faunistiche e biogeografiche riscontrati in questa ricerca evidenziano e confermano l'importanza degli ambienti umidi montani del bacino del Mediterraneo come riserve di biodiversità.
Research on staphylinid beetles of the wetlands in the Aspromontano massif / 2, 4. Manti F.; Castiglione, E.; Bonsignore, C. P.; Tagliapietra, A.; Zanetti, A.. - (2021), pp. 86-86. (Intervento presentato al convegno XXVI Italian National Congress of Entomology tenutosi a Torino nel 7 – 11 June 2021).
Research on staphylinid beetles of the wetlands in the Aspromontano massif
Bonsignore C. P.
The Aspromonte massif, due to the peculiar geographical location and to the several geological and climatic features, is widely recognized as a very interessant biodiversity hotspot. In this area, located at the extreme Southern portion of the Apennines, the biodiversity knowledges are increasing continuously. In the district of the Aspromonte National Park many wetland areas with several different features occur, such as small water courses, ponds, swamps, ecc. Among those with highest biodiversity richness, rarest, and often affected by environmental changes, the Sphagnum bogs, the montane water courses, and the riparian lands inhabited by the fern Woodwardia radicans must be considered. The primary role played by the wetland areas in the biodiversity conservation is widely recognized even by several reccomendations, laws, and international agreements, all aimed to their protection. They play a primary role in the ecosystems as water regulators of the continental outflow, of the territory hydraulic regime and of the waters quality. This study represents the first contribution to the knowledge of the staphylinids beetles inhabiting the wetlands areas of the Aspromonte National Park. This study has been carried out using different monitoring and sampling techniques, aimed to collect the species living in several microhabitats. The main goal was studying biodiversity (community structure and its relative abundance of species) and to highlight even the characteristic species living in the several wetland areas occurring in the high differentiated environmental district of the Park. Staphylinid beetles, due to their high number of species known for the Italian fauna and to the high capability of inhabiting several macro and microhabitats, from the sea level to the high altitude alpine belts, are very suitable if used as bioindicators, mostly in a very high differentiated environmental district as the Aspromonte massif. The distributional models, the endemic species, and the relevant faunistic and biogeographical data emerging from this study emphasize and confirm the relevance of the montane wetland areas as biodiversity reserves in the Mediterranean basin.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.