The evaluation of the effects of anthropic interventions, such as e.g. the check dams, on channel hydrology, geomorphology and riparian vegetation characteristics has been extensively treated in the literature, although with a qualitative approach. Recently, methodologies to quantify these effects were developed, validating them on study cases in Calabria (southern Italy). In particular, within the homogeneous torrent zones a sample of check dams was selected. Two transects have been identified near each check dam (immediately upstream and downstream) and a third was located at a distance from the manufact so as to be representative of the “natural” conditions of a riverbed (control). The evaluation of the effects of the check dams, carried out by comparing synthetic indicators based on physical and vegetation parameters, detected in the selected transects, was integrated by applying statistical techniques. In particular, the analysis showed a high linear correlation between the physical indicators (section shape, profile slope, specific discharge, surface and subsurface size of the riverbed) and the vegetational ones (development, structure and biodiversity) (Zema et al., 2018). In addition, investigations conducted by Bombino et al. (2019) allowed to reduce the number of several factors that influence the interaction between the manufacts and riparian vegetation. The in-depth study until now described has highlighted, in particular, the need to characterize the flash floods that can affect the riparian ecosystem evolution. The current arrangement of the ecosystem, in fact, represents a "snapshot" of the riparian vegetation characteristics (in terms of organization, structure and biodiversity) near the check dams, observed at the time of the survey. It is affected not only by the interaction with the manufacts but also by the hydrological processes that take place in the headwaters. Especially, as is known, the flash floods with longer recurrence intervals can lead to drastic changes in the river environment and, often, cause the reset of plant formations, keeping the ecosystem in a perennial condition of non-equilibrium. In ungauged catchments (a recurring circumstance in most Calabrian mountain catchments) it is not possible to have information about the floods frequency and magnitude, therefore it is necessary to resort to indirect methods for their estimation. In this regard, the reconstruction of flash flood events by applying the dendrochronological method has proved to be a useful tool to compensate for the lack of hydrological data and is now considered a valid approach for flood reconstruction. It is known, in fact, that the passage of an extreme flood leaves a trace on the plants (PSIs, Paleo Stage Indicators) and on the riverbed. Therefore, it is possible to date and characterize these "signs" (e.g. scars on trees trunks), whose heights is approximately indicative of a water depth. The dendrochronological approach, mainly applied in environments of central and northern Europe and North America, was applied for the first time in a semi-arid Mediterranean environment, in the case of Calabrian fiumaras. In this thesis work, the results of the reconstruction of five flood events, which occurred in the last 60 years in five ungauged catchments of Calabria, are presented, defining their timing and magnitude. Validation of the reconstructed discharge values was done by using direct water depth measurements (obtained from direct measurement). The results suggest that, even in ungauged torrents of the Mediterranean environment, the combined use of different approaches (hydraulic and hydrological) allows a reliable reconstruction of extreme hydrological events the use of easily detectable parameters, and that the tree-ring based approaches is potentially applicable in ungauged (or poorly gauged) Mediterranean mountain catchments, as well so as to improve records of the frequency and magnitude of past flash flood activity.
La valutazione degli effetti degli interventi antropici, quali, ad esempio le briglie, su idrologia, geomorfologia dell’alveo e caratteristiche della vegetazione ripariale è stata ampiamente trattata in letteratura, seppur con un approccio qualitativo. Recentemente, Bombino et al. (2006, 2008, 2014, 2019) e Zema et al. (2018) hanno messo a punto metodologie per la quantificazione di tali effetti, validandole su casi studio in Calabria (Italia meridionale). In particolare, all’interno di tronchi di corso d’acqua tendenzialmente omogenei per caratteristiche idro-geomorfologiche, climatiche e vegetazionali, è stato selezionato un campione di briglie a corpo pieno, interamente interrite a tergo e regolarmente funzionanti. In prossimità di ciascuna briglia (immediatamente a monte e a valle) sono stati indentificati due transetti (fasce trasversali di alveo); un terzo è stato invece ubicato a distanza dal manufatto, in modo da risultare rappresentativo delle condizioni “naturali” di un alveo (controllo). La valutazione degli effetti delle briglie, effettuata confrontando indicatori sintetici determinati sulla base dei parametri fisici e vegetazionali rilevati nei transetti selezionati, è stata integrata mediante l’applicazione di tecniche statistiche. In particolare, l’analisi ha mostrato un’alta correlazione lineare tra gli indicatori fisici (forma della sezione, pendenza del profilo, portata specifica, dimensioni dei sedimenti superficiali e sotto superficiali del letto del fiume) e quelli vegetazionali (sviluppo, struttura e biodiversità) (Zema et al., 2018). Inoltre, indagini condotte da Bombino et al. (2019) hanno permesso di discriminare l’influenza dei diversi indicatori, riducendo, così, il numero di fattori che influenzano l’interazione tra i manufatti e la vegetazione ripale. Lo studio approfondito fin qui descritto, ha evidenziato la possibilità di esplorare un ampio scenario della ricerca, soprattutto rispetto alla necessità di caratterizzare le portate di piena che possono condizionare l’evoluzione dell’ecosistema ripale. L’attuale assetto dell’ecosistema fluviale, difatti, rappresenta una “istantanea” delle caratteristiche della vegetazione ripale (in termini di organizzazione, struttura e biodiversità) in prossimità delle briglie, osservate al momento della rilevazione. La formazione vegetale rilevata, in effetti, risente non soltanto dell’interazione con il manufatto, ma anche dei processi idrologici che hanno luogo nei tronchi montani dei corsi d’acqua. Soprattutto nei bacini con risposte idrologiche impulsive, come è noto, le portate di piena con elevato tempo di ritorno possono comportare drastici mutamenti dell’ambiente fluviale e, spesso, determinare il completo azzeramento delle formazioni vegetali, mantenendo l’ecosistema in una perenne condizione di non-equilibrium. Nei bacini privi di strumenti di misura delle portate (circostanza peraltro ricorrente nella maggior parte dei bacini montani calabresi) non è possibile avere informazioni circa la frequenza e la magnitudo delle piene, pertanto appare necessario il ricorso a metodi indiretti per la loro stima. A tal proposito, la ricostruzione degli eventi di piena improvvisi mediante l’applicazione del metodo dendrocronologico si è dimostrata un utile strumento per sopperire alla mancanza di dati idrologici ed è oggi considerata un valido approccio per la ricostruzione delle piene. È noto, infatti, che il passaggio di una piena estrema lascia una traccia sulle piante (ad esempio, ferite da abrasione, cicatrici, deformazioni dei fusti, ecc. - PSIs, Paleo Stage Indicators) e sull’alveo. Pertanto, risulta possibile datare e caratterizzare tali “segni”, la cui posizione sulla pianta è approssimativamente indicatrice di un’altezza idrica. L’approccio dendrocronologico, prevalentemente applicato in bacini dell'Europa centrale e settentrionale e del Nord America, è stato per la prima volta applicato in ambiente semi-arido mediterraneo, al caso delle fiumare calabresi. In questo lavoro di tesi, vengono presentati i risultati della ricostruzione di cinque eventi di piena, occorsi negli ultimi 60 anni in cinque bacini montani scarsamente strumentati della Calabria, definendone la collocazione temporale e la magnitudo. Si è osservato, applicando un approccio idraulico (equazione di Manning) e idrologico (formula razionale), che i tempi di ritorno di questi eventi risultavano compresi tra 5 e 30 anni. La validazione dei valori di portata ricostruiti è stata effettuata confrontandoli con i relativi tiranti idrici i cui dati sono stati ottenuti da misurazione diretta.
Check dams, riparian ecosystem evolution and hydrological processes: reconstruction of extreme floods in ungauged headwaters of Mediterranean environment / D'Agostino, Daniela. - (2021 Apr 09).
Check dams, riparian ecosystem evolution and hydrological processes: reconstruction of extreme floods in ungauged headwaters of Mediterranean environment
D'Agostino, Daniela
The evaluation of the effects of anthropic interventions, such as e.g. the check dams, on channel hydrology, geomorphology and riparian vegetation characteristics has been extensively treated in the literature, although with a qualitative approach. Recently, methodologies to quantify these effects were developed, validating them on study cases in Calabria (southern Italy). In particular, within the homogeneous torrent zones a sample of check dams was selected. Two transects have been identified near each check dam (immediately upstream and downstream) and a third was located at a distance from the manufact so as to be representative of the “natural” conditions of a riverbed (control). The evaluation of the effects of the check dams, carried out by comparing synthetic indicators based on physical and vegetation parameters, detected in the selected transects, was integrated by applying statistical techniques. In particular, the analysis showed a high linear correlation between the physical indicators (section shape, profile slope, specific discharge, surface and subsurface size of the riverbed) and the vegetational ones (development, structure and biodiversity) (Zema et al., 2018). In addition, investigations conducted by Bombino et al. (2019) allowed to reduce the number of several factors that influence the interaction between the manufacts and riparian vegetation. The in-depth study until now described has highlighted, in particular, the need to characterize the flash floods that can affect the riparian ecosystem evolution. The current arrangement of the ecosystem, in fact, represents a "snapshot" of the riparian vegetation characteristics (in terms of organization, structure and biodiversity) near the check dams, observed at the time of the survey. It is affected not only by the interaction with the manufacts but also by the hydrological processes that take place in the headwaters. Especially, as is known, the flash floods with longer recurrence intervals can lead to drastic changes in the river environment and, often, cause the reset of plant formations, keeping the ecosystem in a perennial condition of non-equilibrium. In ungauged catchments (a recurring circumstance in most Calabrian mountain catchments) it is not possible to have information about the floods frequency and magnitude, therefore it is necessary to resort to indirect methods for their estimation. In this regard, the reconstruction of flash flood events by applying the dendrochronological method has proved to be a useful tool to compensate for the lack of hydrological data and is now considered a valid approach for flood reconstruction. It is known, in fact, that the passage of an extreme flood leaves a trace on the plants (PSIs, Paleo Stage Indicators) and on the riverbed. Therefore, it is possible to date and characterize these "signs" (e.g. scars on trees trunks), whose heights is approximately indicative of a water depth. The dendrochronological approach, mainly applied in environments of central and northern Europe and North America, was applied for the first time in a semi-arid Mediterranean environment, in the case of Calabrian fiumaras. In this thesis work, the results of the reconstruction of five flood events, which occurred in the last 60 years in five ungauged catchments of Calabria, are presented, defining their timing and magnitude. Validation of the reconstructed discharge values was done by using direct water depth measurements (obtained from direct measurement). The results suggest that, even in ungauged torrents of the Mediterranean environment, the combined use of different approaches (hydraulic and hydrological) allows a reliable reconstruction of extreme hydrological events the use of easily detectable parameters, and that the tree-ring based approaches is potentially applicable in ungauged (or poorly gauged) Mediterranean mountain catchments, as well so as to improve records of the frequency and magnitude of past flash flood activity.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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