The Asian Chestnut Gall Wasp (ACGW) Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae), reported in Italy since 2002, is a major threat to chestnut orchards. ACGW lays eggs into chestnut buds and induces the development of galls that cause severe reduction of plant photosynthetic activity. This damage results in an intense productive decline in the attacked plants. Currently, the most effective method to control ACGW is the use of its natural enemy Torymus sinensis Kamijo (Hymenoptera: Torymidae), introduced in Italy since 2006. However, despite the good results achieved, the parasitoid is still unable to completely control the pest in some areas and with particular climatic conditions. Therefore, besides the evaluation of the parasitoid control action, one aim of the Chestnut Special Project, coordinated by the Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection (IPSP) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR), is to assess resistance or tolerance to ACGW attack in local chestnut ecotypes. Through sampling and based on agronomic and morphological plant descriptors, some ecotypes, showing resistance/tolerance to ACGW, have been identified in the Campania region. To highlight the potential phenomenon of cross-resistance the ACGW resistant ecotypes have also been evaluated against Gnomoniopsis castaneae Tamietti (syn. G. smithogilvyi), the main agent involved in nut rot in chestnut. During the study, monitoring activities were carried out in Campanian chestnut orchards where both susceptible and resistant ecotypes were present. The aim of this monitoring was to compare the damage levels caused by D. kuriphilus and G. castaneae on different ecotypes and to characterize the type of resistance. Two samplings per year were performed: the first between June and July, to evaluate the eggs laid by ACGW or repellence phenomena expression; the second one in spring, to observe the presence of ACGW loculi and larvae, and their development stage. Several variables have been considered: galls per linear meter, healthy and infested shoots, healthy leaves, the mean number of loculi and larvae per gall, the percentage of T. sinensis parasitism. The totality of the considered parameters highlights that the resistant ecotypes showed a significant difference compared to the susceptible ones. In particular, shoots from resistant trees resulted mostly healthy and free of damage caused by D. kuriphilus. A single ecotype showed almost complete absence of attacks and damages. Conversely, the susceptible ecotypes show a higher number of galls, both on shoots and leaves, a lower number of healthy and well-developed leaves, and lower parasitization levels. Similar results were observed about the presence of G. castaneae: even in this case the resistant ecotypes displayed a lower incidence of damages ascribable to the pathogen. This result shows how the hypothesis of cross-resistance is a real phenomenon and an interesting field for future investigation.
Il cinipide galligeno del castagno Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae), segnalato in Italia a partire dal 2002, è il parassita che desta maggiori preoccupazioni nell’ambito della castanicoltura. Il cinipide depone le uova nelle gemme di castagno e causa la formazione di galle che comportano una drastica riduzione della capacità fotosintetizzante della pianta. Ciò si traduce in una severa riduzione della produttività delle piante attaccate. Attualmente, il metodo più efficace per contrastare la proliferazione del fitofago è l’impiego del suo antagonista naturale Torymus sinensis Kamijo (Hymenoptera: Torymidae), introdotto in Italia a partire dal 2006. Tuttavia, nonostante i buoni risultati ottenuti, in alcune zone e con particolari condizioni climatiche il parassitoide non è ancora riuscito a controllare del tutto il fitofago. Per questo motivo, e parallelamente alla valutazione dell’azione di controllo svolta dal parassitoide, nell’ambito del progetto Speciale Castagno coordinato dal CNR-IPSP di Portici, si sta valutando la resistenza/tolleranza espressa da ecotipi locali di castagno. Alcuni ecotipi che mostrano una resistenza/tolleranza al cinipide sono infatti stati individuati in Campania mediante campionamenti e sulla base dei descrittori agronomici e di morfologia vegetale. Per evidenziare eventuali fenomeni di resistenza incrociata, gli stessi ecotipi sono stati valutati anche contro l’agente del marciume del frutto nel castagno Gnomoniopsis castaneae Tamietti (syn. G. smithogilvyi). Nel corso dell’attività è stato effettuato il monitoraggio in castagneti campani caratterizzati dalla compresenza di piante resistenti e suscettibili, per confrontare l’entità dei danni causati dal D. kuriphilus e G. castaneae sui diversi ecotipi, e valutare la tipologia e l’entità della resistenza. In base al piano di monitoraggio annuale, sono stati effettuati due prelievi di campioni, il primo tra i mesi di giugno e luglio, per valutare l’eventuale deposizione di uova ad opera del cinipide o l’attivazione di fenomeni di repellenza, e il secondo nelle primavere successive per osservare la presenza di loculi e larve del fitofago e il loro stadio di sviluppo. Sono state altresì esaminate numerose variabili: galle per metro lineare, germogli sani, germogli infestati, foglie sane, numero medio di loculi e di larve per galla, percentuale di parassitizzazione, dimensioni delle galle (su germoglio e su foglia). Sul complesso dei parametri esaminati è emerso che gli ecotipi resistenti mostrano una differenza significativa rispetto a quelli suscettibili. In particolare, i germogli prelevati da ecotipi resistenti risultano in gran parte sani e privi di danni da D. kuriphilus, raggiungendo in uno degli ecotipi esaminati la quasi totale assenza di attacchi. Per contro, gli ecotipi suscettibili presentano un numero nettamente superiore di galle sia su foglie sia su germogli, un minor numero di foglie sane e ben sviluppate, e minori livelli di parassitizzazione da T. sinensis. Risultati simili si sono osservati per quanto riguarda la presenza di G. castaneae, in quanto anche in questo caso gli ecotipi resistenti presentano una minore incidenza dei danni causati dal fungo. Ciò dimostra come la resistenza incrociata sia un’ipotesi concreta e un interessante campo per future indagini.
Chestnut ecotypes resistant to Dryocosmus kuriphilus. New assessments for integrated pest management / Gargiulo, S. de Benedetta F.; Pace, R.; Bonsignore, C. P.; Nugnes, F.; Ruocco, M.; Petriccione, M.; Bernardo, U.. - (2021), pp. 295-295. (Intervento presentato al convegno XXVI Italian National Congress of Entomology 7 – 11 June 2021. Torino (pp. 295) tenutosi a Torino nel 7 – 11 June 2021).
Chestnut ecotypes resistant to Dryocosmus kuriphilus. New assessments for integrated pest management
Bonsignore C. PMembro del Collaboration Group
The Asian Chestnut Gall Wasp (ACGW) Dryocosmus kuriphilus Yasumatsu (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae), reported in Italy since 2002, is a major threat to chestnut orchards. ACGW lays eggs into chestnut buds and induces the development of galls that cause severe reduction of plant photosynthetic activity. This damage results in an intense productive decline in the attacked plants. Currently, the most effective method to control ACGW is the use of its natural enemy Torymus sinensis Kamijo (Hymenoptera: Torymidae), introduced in Italy since 2006. However, despite the good results achieved, the parasitoid is still unable to completely control the pest in some areas and with particular climatic conditions. Therefore, besides the evaluation of the parasitoid control action, one aim of the Chestnut Special Project, coordinated by the Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection (IPSP) of the Italian National Research Council (CNR), is to assess resistance or tolerance to ACGW attack in local chestnut ecotypes. Through sampling and based on agronomic and morphological plant descriptors, some ecotypes, showing resistance/tolerance to ACGW, have been identified in the Campania region. To highlight the potential phenomenon of cross-resistance the ACGW resistant ecotypes have also been evaluated against Gnomoniopsis castaneae Tamietti (syn. G. smithogilvyi), the main agent involved in nut rot in chestnut. During the study, monitoring activities were carried out in Campanian chestnut orchards where both susceptible and resistant ecotypes were present. The aim of this monitoring was to compare the damage levels caused by D. kuriphilus and G. castaneae on different ecotypes and to characterize the type of resistance. Two samplings per year were performed: the first between June and July, to evaluate the eggs laid by ACGW or repellence phenomena expression; the second one in spring, to observe the presence of ACGW loculi and larvae, and their development stage. Several variables have been considered: galls per linear meter, healthy and infested shoots, healthy leaves, the mean number of loculi and larvae per gall, the percentage of T. sinensis parasitism. The totality of the considered parameters highlights that the resistant ecotypes showed a significant difference compared to the susceptible ones. In particular, shoots from resistant trees resulted mostly healthy and free of damage caused by D. kuriphilus. A single ecotype showed almost complete absence of attacks and damages. Conversely, the susceptible ecotypes show a higher number of galls, both on shoots and leaves, a lower number of healthy and well-developed leaves, and lower parasitization levels. Similar results were observed about the presence of G. castaneae: even in this case the resistant ecotypes displayed a lower incidence of damages ascribable to the pathogen. This result shows how the hypothesis of cross-resistance is a real phenomenon and an interesting field for future investigation.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.