The perceived space conquers form, becomes a sign, and as all the signs that suppose to be intellect, existence, and resolution become language, disclosure. Space becomes word and phrase of a lexicon that tells us the world, the life, and the being. Architectural language is confronted with the character of the places, canceling any functional and semantic division between context and object, seems to support dialogue with the places through the mediation of poetry, cinema, painting, almost to discern a more significant authenticity, a true character of places so much more predisposed to the interpretation of architectural language. The interpretation based on conjecture or abduction is the semiotic mechanism that explains not only our relationship with intentionally elaborated messages from other human beings, but every form of human interaction with the surrounding world. It is about coordinating the alphabets that allow the dialogue between the place, the man and the nature. Territorializing culture, finding language analysis, using the peculiarity of individual disciplines is the object of building a landscape project. Currently, urban reality seems to be wrapped in opacity, justified by strong acceleration, extreme pervasiveness and unprecedented flow of changes that overwhelmed the forms, functions, meanings, and languages. Cities present themselves as a boundless sediment of old materials and as a patchwork that involves the union by sewing different parts of fabric: parts of suspended designs, parts of cities that were first formed as shreds, green areas at the margins of the inhabited area under the eyes of all but not considered, spaces considered useless because unproductive. Abandoned landscapes, ordinary and incoherent landscapes, where reasons unrelated to architecture have physiognomies of marginal, chaotic landscapes, hybridization sites of clustering or scrap. Fragment, disorder, causality, heterogeneity, chaos: these are the keywords that describe the contemporary city. The degree of fragmentation is variable. Scattered landscapes that create and trap the residues. It is essential to explain what are the limitations which surround the residues and circumstances that originate and nourish them at first, the characters of the dispersal sites, the stratification and fragmentation that give them, since everywhere we find the incompleteness that marks these spaces degraded and uninhabitable. We cannot just limit and rearrange these residual spaces, making them simply enjoyable and productive. It would be like stripping them of the essence, of their nature, their sediment, and of that distinctive “absence”. In this context, it is necessary to understand how the residual is expressed: the residue, the waste are communicating and are willing to dialogue in the same way, despite their nature, they are questioned not only to a lesser degree, but with less attention and willingness to listen, to understand. The availability of listening however grows and manifests itself as a necessity to become more and more needful not only in the strictly technical and subversive field of a society, that is by now static and blocked in its progress, in fact there is the multidisciplinary need to renew, find, invent, in the meaning of discovery also a rediscovery of a new start, in the very sense of the invention, not as a new creation, from nothing or a different and unknown form or matter, but in the very sense of finding a quality already in possess but different and unknown because it was never “used”, “exploited” and discarded because it was first considered to be extraneous to the “mandatory” canons that historical-social-didactic contingencies required and which now instead turns out to be “alternatively” required for the nonconformist character of a society that only now, after the long stalemate and melting pot of its modernization, feels the need for a new input. Now there is the need to abandon what was formerly a “Calvinist Fedora” because it is no longer such thing and it has been abused, with the intention to look for another bubble. Here, in our Fedora you can see more bubbles, more angles that, although they are not as good as the same, and often behind more doors are lost among those old and then “new” bubbles, constitute the unknown, indomitable and hidden parts that today as flaneurs we are pushed to reinvent, rediscover. So the research becomes the place, the space and from the flaneur we introduce the established bond: the first dialogue, the desire to understand the new, “old”, discarded spaces within the metropolis, the residual places. The metropolitan flaneur is attracted by third places, from the third landscape.
Lo spazio concepito conquista forma, si fa segno e come tutti i segni che suppongono intelletto, esistenza e risolutezza diviene linguaggio, divulgazione. Lo spazio diviene parola e frase di un lessico che ci racconta il mondo, la vita, l’essere. Il linguaggio architettonico si confronta col carattere dei luoghi, annullando ogni divisione funzionale e semantica tra contesto e oggetto, pare favorire il dialogo con i luoghi attraverso la mediazione della poesia, del cinema, della pittura, quasi a discernere un’autenticità più rilevante, una veridicità del carattere dei luoghi così maggiormente predisposti all’interpretazione del linguaggio architettonico. L’interpretazione fondata sulla congettura o sull’abduzione è il meccanismo semiosico che spiega non solo il nostro rapporto coi messaggi elaborati intenzionalmente da altri esseri umani, ma ogni forma di interazione dell’uomo con il mondo circostante. Si tratta di coordinare gli alfabeti che permettono il dialogo tra il luogo, l’uomo e la natura. Territorializzare la cultura, rinvenire l’analisi del linguaggio, servirsi della specificità delle singole discipline rappresenta l’oggetto della costruzione del progetto di paesaggio. Attualmente la realtà urbana sembra essere avvolta da un’opacità, giustificata da un’accelerazione fulminea, da un’estrema pervasività e da una portata inedita dei cambiamenti che ne hanno travolto le forme, le funzioni, i significati, i linguaggi. Le città si presentano come un sedimento sconfinato di materiali passati e come un patchwork che consiste nell’unione, tramite cucitura, di diverse parti di tessuto: parti di progetti sospesi, parti di città che si sono dapprima costituite come brandelli, aree verdi ai margini dell’abitato sotto gli occhi di tutti ma non considerate, spazi ritenuti inutili perché improduttivi. Paesaggi dell’abbandono, paesaggi ordinari e incoerenti, nei quali ragioni estranee all’architettura presentano fisionomie di paesaggi marginali, caotici, luoghi di ibridazione per ammasso o scarto. Frammento, disordine, casualità, eterogeneità, caos: sono questi i lemmi che descrivono la città contemporanea. Il grado di frammentarietà è variabile. Paesaggi della dispersione che creano e cingono il residuale. Imprescindibile è spiegare quali siano le limitazioni che circondano i residui e le circostanze che in un primo momento li originano e nutrono, i caratteri dei luoghi della dispersione, con le stratificazioni e la frammentarietà che li dilaniano, poiché ovunque rinveniamo le incompletezze che segnano questi spazi degradati e invivibili. Non ci si può soltanto limitare a riordinare e riorganizzare questi spazi residuali rendendoli semplicemente fruibili e fecondi. Sarebbe come spogliarli dell’essenza, della loro natura, del loro sedime e di quell’“assenza” distintiva. In quest’ottica risulta necessario comprendere in qual modo la residualità si esprima: il residuo, lo scarto comunicano e sono disposti a dialogare in egual modo, nonostante, a causa della loro natura, siano interpellati non solo in misura minore bensì con minor attenzione e disponibilità all’ascolto, alla comprensione. La disponibilità all’ascolto tuttavia cresce e si manifesta come necessità in divenire sempre più premente non solo in ambito strettamente tecnico ed eversivo di una società ormai statica e ferma nella suo progresso, infatti multi-disciplinarmente si avverte il bisogno di rinnovare, invenire, inventare, nel senso di scoperta anche ri-scoperta di un nuovo start, nel senso proprio dell’etimo di invenzione ossia non come creazione ex novo, dal nulla o di diversa e sconosciuta forma o materia, ma nel senso proprio di ritrovamento di una qualità già in possesso ma diversa e sconosciuta perche mai “usata”, “sfruttata” e scartata perché prima ritenuta estranea ai canoni “obbligatori” che le contingenze storico-sociali-didattiche richiedevano e che ora invece risulta essere “alternativamente” richiesta per il carattere anticonformistico di una società che solo ora, dopo il lungo periodo di stasi e crogiolo del suo ammodernamento, avverte la necessità di un nuovo input. Si avverte ormai la necessità di abbandonare quella che prima era una sorta di “Fedora calviniana”, perché non più tale e poiché ormai abusata, con l’intenzione di cercarvi un’altra bolla. Ecco che nella nostra Fedora si possono scorgere più bolle, più angoli che, nonostante non siano ameni come la stessa e spesso dietro più porte si perdano tra quelle vecchie e allora “nuove” bolle, costituiscono le parti ignote, indimenticate e nascoste che oggi come flaneurs si è spinti a re-inventare, riscoprire. Cosi la ricerca diventa il luogo, lo spazio e noi da flaneur ne introduciamo il legame stabilito: il primo dialogo, la voglia di comprendere i nuovi, “vecchi”, scartati spazi all’interno della metropoli, i luoghi residuali. Il flaneur metropolitano è attratto da terzi luoghi, dal terzo paesaggio.
Estetica dei luoghi residuali / Pansera, Sabrina. - (2018 Apr 16).
Estetica dei luoghi residuali
The perceived space conquers form, becomes a sign, and as all the signs that suppose to be intellect, existence, and resolution become language, disclosure. Space becomes word and phrase of a lexicon that tells us the world, the life, and the being. Architectural language is confronted with the character of the places, canceling any functional and semantic division between context and object, seems to support dialogue with the places through the mediation of poetry, cinema, painting, almost to discern a more significant authenticity, a true character of places so much more predisposed to the interpretation of architectural language. The interpretation based on conjecture or abduction is the semiotic mechanism that explains not only our relationship with intentionally elaborated messages from other human beings, but every form of human interaction with the surrounding world. It is about coordinating the alphabets that allow the dialogue between the place, the man and the nature. Territorializing culture, finding language analysis, using the peculiarity of individual disciplines is the object of building a landscape project. Currently, urban reality seems to be wrapped in opacity, justified by strong acceleration, extreme pervasiveness and unprecedented flow of changes that overwhelmed the forms, functions, meanings, and languages. Cities present themselves as a boundless sediment of old materials and as a patchwork that involves the union by sewing different parts of fabric: parts of suspended designs, parts of cities that were first formed as shreds, green areas at the margins of the inhabited area under the eyes of all but not considered, spaces considered useless because unproductive. Abandoned landscapes, ordinary and incoherent landscapes, where reasons unrelated to architecture have physiognomies of marginal, chaotic landscapes, hybridization sites of clustering or scrap. Fragment, disorder, causality, heterogeneity, chaos: these are the keywords that describe the contemporary city. The degree of fragmentation is variable. Scattered landscapes that create and trap the residues. It is essential to explain what are the limitations which surround the residues and circumstances that originate and nourish them at first, the characters of the dispersal sites, the stratification and fragmentation that give them, since everywhere we find the incompleteness that marks these spaces degraded and uninhabitable. We cannot just limit and rearrange these residual spaces, making them simply enjoyable and productive. It would be like stripping them of the essence, of their nature, their sediment, and of that distinctive “absence”. In this context, it is necessary to understand how the residual is expressed: the residue, the waste are communicating and are willing to dialogue in the same way, despite their nature, they are questioned not only to a lesser degree, but with less attention and willingness to listen, to understand. The availability of listening however grows and manifests itself as a necessity to become more and more needful not only in the strictly technical and subversive field of a society, that is by now static and blocked in its progress, in fact there is the multidisciplinary need to renew, find, invent, in the meaning of discovery also a rediscovery of a new start, in the very sense of the invention, not as a new creation, from nothing or a different and unknown form or matter, but in the very sense of finding a quality already in possess but different and unknown because it was never “used”, “exploited” and discarded because it was first considered to be extraneous to the “mandatory” canons that historical-social-didactic contingencies required and which now instead turns out to be “alternatively” required for the nonconformist character of a society that only now, after the long stalemate and melting pot of its modernization, feels the need for a new input. Now there is the need to abandon what was formerly a “Calvinist Fedora” because it is no longer such thing and it has been abused, with the intention to look for another bubble. Here, in our Fedora you can see more bubbles, more angles that, although they are not as good as the same, and often behind more doors are lost among those old and then “new” bubbles, constitute the unknown, indomitable and hidden parts that today as flaneurs we are pushed to reinvent, rediscover. So the research becomes the place, the space and from the flaneur we introduce the established bond: the first dialogue, the desire to understand the new, “old”, discarded spaces within the metropolis, the residual places. The metropolitan flaneur is attracted by third places, from the third landscape.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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