The architecture and the industry of constructions have appropriated some in partnership innovation to the progress in technological filed, rediscovering in the constructive identity, in the treatment of the surfaces, in the workmanship, every Material, which is manifested in the product, component, system, and Technical therefore, evident in contemporary architectural production. The orientations are different: from and hoc design of industrial materials for the construction sector, looking for new applications of traditional materials for families that can still be obtained from mining or cutting. The trial production, along which a renewed interest in design for the “materiality” constructive stroke, thus, the new paths of innovation. It’s from this point that triggers the need and the search for new forms of matter and, therefore, new languages to the envelope. Among the traditional materials, innovative, handled in their appearance and advanced in their use, it certainly has a prominent place the terracotta, remained unchanged over the years in its molecular structure, but which, together with the support of national and international architects, together with changes in production techniques, continues to spark interest. Among the national companies in the sector, Sannini project, the emblem of an innovative mechanism, as evidenced by the evolution of the company, was founded for the production of paving brick and arrives, again using craft techniques, the use of terracotta façade systems, impacting on the current language of construction material for the envelope, in Italy and abroad. The strong technology-based rehabilitation of brick, now suggests the need for a more mature reflection on the responsible use of technical equipment for the project and their possible expressive power, construction and performance.
L'architettura e l'industria delle costruzioni si sono appropriate dell’innovazione associata ai progressi in campo tecnologico, riscoprendo nell'identità costruttiva, nel trattamento delle superfici, nelle lavorazioni, ogni Materiale, che si manifesta in prodotto, componente, sistema, e quindi in Tecnica, nella evidente produzione architettonica contemporanea. Gli orientamenti sono diversi: dalla progettazione ad hoc di materiali industriali, per il settore costruttivo, alla ricerca di nuove possibilità applicative per le famiglie di materiali tradizionali che ancora possono essere ottenuti da estrazione o taglio. La sperimentazione produttiva, insieme ad un rinnovato interesse progettuale per la “materialità” costruttiva, segnano, quindi, i nuovi percorsi dell’innovazione. E’ da questo punto preciso che si innesca l’esigenza e la ricerca di nuovi linguaggi della materia e, quindi, di nuovi linguaggi per l’involucro. Tra i materiali tradizionali, innovati, manipolati nel loro aspetto ed evoluti nei loro usi, scuramente ha un posto di rilievo il cotto, di per sé rimasto immutato negli anni nella sua struttura molecolare, ma che, al contributo di architetti a carattere nazionale e internazionale, unitamente all’evoluzione delle tecniche produttive, continua a suscitare interesse. Tra le aziende nazionali del settore, la Sannini Project, rappresenta l'emblema di un meccanismo innovativo, che parte dai processi produttivi, come dimostra l’evoluzione dell’Azienda, che nasce per la produzione di pavimenti in cotto e arriva, usando ancora tecnologie artigianali, all’uso di sistemi di facciata in cotto, incidendo, comunque, sull’attuale linguaggio costruttivo del materiale per l’involucro, in Italia e all'estero. La forte riabilitazione della tecnologia a base laterizia, suggerisce oggigiorno la necessità di una più matura riflessione su un uso responsabile dei mezzi tecnici per il progetto e sulla loro possibile capacità espressiva, realizzativa e prestazionale.
La tecnica materiale del cotto verso i nuovi orientamenti costruttivi / Giglio, Francesca. - (2011), pp. 96-104.
La tecnica materiale del cotto verso i nuovi orientamenti costruttivi
GIGLIO, Francesca
The architecture and the industry of constructions have appropriated some in partnership innovation to the progress in technological filed, rediscovering in the constructive identity, in the treatment of the surfaces, in the workmanship, every Material, which is manifested in the product, component, system, and Technical therefore, evident in contemporary architectural production. The orientations are different: from and hoc design of industrial materials for the construction sector, looking for new applications of traditional materials for families that can still be obtained from mining or cutting. The trial production, along which a renewed interest in design for the “materiality” constructive stroke, thus, the new paths of innovation. It’s from this point that triggers the need and the search for new forms of matter and, therefore, new languages to the envelope. Among the traditional materials, innovative, handled in their appearance and advanced in their use, it certainly has a prominent place the terracotta, remained unchanged over the years in its molecular structure, but which, together with the support of national and international architects, together with changes in production techniques, continues to spark interest. Among the national companies in the sector, Sannini project, the emblem of an innovative mechanism, as evidenced by the evolution of the company, was founded for the production of paving brick and arrives, again using craft techniques, the use of terracotta façade systems, impacting on the current language of construction material for the envelope, in Italy and abroad. The strong technology-based rehabilitation of brick, now suggests the need for a more mature reflection on the responsible use of technical equipment for the project and their possible expressive power, construction and performance.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.