The individual, as the community, in the settlement places suitable to their needs, manipulating the environment, both natural and built it, because of their lifestyles. If in the past, these actions were carried out in balance with the environmental system by adjusting the characters in the context of human need, consistently using the potential offered this without compromising the resources, now this ability to inhabit the places has been lost. Contemporary culture, influenced by the greater availability and greater technical and economic independence from natural resources, has made and performs actions processing more and more destructive to the environment but fail to meet the needs of urban quality and comfort for the inhabitants. Today the new needs of contemporary life calls for architecture and cities means that the project to become an interpreter of the places and the needs of residents through appropriate technological solutions. The STOA research group that I belong is often interested in the development of strategies for the transformation of the urban environment issues facing the new needs of the contemporary city with the belief that the works of renewal of urban areas can not fail to be guided by the knowledge the complexity of natural phenomena and, by extension, of all social services.
L’individuo, come la collettività, nell’insediarsi adatta i luoghi alle proprie necessità, manipola l’ambiente in ragione delle proprie abitudini di vita. La cultura contemporanea, condizionata dalla maggiore disponibilità tecnica ed economica e dalla maggiore indipendenza dalle risorse naturali, ha compiuto e compie azioni di trasformazione sempre più distruttive per l’ambiente senza riuscire a soddisfare le esigenze di benessere per gli abitanti. Oggi i nuovi bisogni che il vivere contemporaneo chiede all’architettura e alle città fa si che il progetto diventi interprete dei luoghi e delle esigenze degli abitanti attraverso soluzioni tecnologiche appropriate. Il gruppo di ricerca STOA a cui appartengo si è spesso interessato alla elaborazione di strategie per la trasformazione dell’ambiente urbano affrontando tematiche legate ai nuovi bisogni della città contemporanea con la convinzione che le opere di rinnovamento di ambiti urbani non possono non essere guidate dalla consapevolezza della complessità dei fenomeni naturali e, per estensione, di tutti quelli sociali.
La crisi della città: scelte tecnologiche e strategie progettuali / DE CAPUA, Alberto. - (2011), p. 296, 770.
La crisi della città: scelte tecnologiche e strategie progettuali
DE CAPUA, Alberto
The individual, as the community, in the settlement places suitable to their needs, manipulating the environment, both natural and built it, because of their lifestyles. If in the past, these actions were carried out in balance with the environmental system by adjusting the characters in the context of human need, consistently using the potential offered this without compromising the resources, now this ability to inhabit the places has been lost. Contemporary culture, influenced by the greater availability and greater technical and economic independence from natural resources, has made and performs actions processing more and more destructive to the environment but fail to meet the needs of urban quality and comfort for the inhabitants. Today the new needs of contemporary life calls for architecture and cities means that the project to become an interpreter of the places and the needs of residents through appropriate technological solutions. The STOA research group that I belong is often interested in the development of strategies for the transformation of the urban environment issues facing the new needs of the contemporary city with the belief that the works of renewal of urban areas can not fail to be guided by the knowledge the complexity of natural phenomena and, by extension, of all social services.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.