VONO, Gregorio
VONO, Gregorio
A comprehensive thrips species assessment for eco-consistent management in Mediterranean citrus crops
2022-01-01 Vono, Gregorio; Bonsignore, CARMELO PETER; Marullo, Rita
Application of the LCA approach to the citrus production chain – A systematic review
2024-01-01 Falcone, Giacomo; Fazari, Antonio; Vono, Gregorio; Gulisano, Giovanni; Strano, Alfio
DNA Barcoding:a reliable method for the identification of the thrips species (Thysanoptera,Thripidae) collected on stcky traps in onion fields.
2020-01-01 Marullo, Rita; Mercati, Francesco; Vono, Gregorio
Evaluation of biological aspects of Frankliniella occidentalis Pergande (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) in relation to microbiome endosymbiotic associations
2021-10-18 Vono, Gregorio
First field record of the tropical red-banded thrips Selenothrips rubrocinctus (Thripidae: Panchaetothripinae) in Europe.
2021-01-01 Andrea, Taddei; Vono, Gregorio; Vierbergen, Gijsbertus; Wojnar, Andrea; Zugno, Matteo; Marullo, Rita
Host-parasitoid phenology at two different altitudinal gradients, the case of the chestnut galls wasp in a new expansion area
2018-01-01 Vono, G.; Castiglione, E.; Manti, F.; Siclari, A.; Bernardo, U.; Bonsignore, C. P.
Life Cycle Inventory of the Italian citrus fruit supply chain: Modelling the agricultural phase inventory through statistical data processing
2023-01-01 Vono, G.; Falcone, G.; Mistretta, M.; Fazari, A.; Strano, A.
Olive Production Threatened by a Resurgent Pest Liothrips oleae (Costa, 1857) (Thysanoptera: Phlaeothripidae) in Southern Italy
2020-01-01 Vono, Gregorio; Bonsignore, CARMELO PETER; Gullo, Gregorio; Marullo, Rita
Short-Term Cold Stress Affects Parasitism on the Asian Chestnut Gall Wasp Dryocosmus kuriphilus
2020-01-01 Bonsignore, Carmelo Peter; Vizzari, Giusi; Vono, Gregorio; Bernardo, Umberto
Thrips: a review of sampling methods in relation to their habitats
2021-01-01 Marullo, Rita; Vono, Gregorio; Bonsignore, CARMELO PETER