CARDILE, Giuseppe
CARDILE, Giuseppe
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, dell'Energia, dell'Ambiente e dei Materiali
A new apparatus for the study of pullout behaviour of soil-geosynthetic interfaces under sustained load over time
2021-01-01 Cardile, G.; Pisano, M.; Recalcati, P.; Moraci, N.
A new theoretical method to evaluate the peak and the residual pullout resistance of extruded geogrids embedded in granular soils.
2006-01-01 Cardile, G; Gioffre’, D; Moraci, Nicola
A Predictive Model for Pullout Bearing Resistance of Geogrids Embedded in a Granular Soil
2020-01-01 Cardile, G; Pisano, M; Moraci, N; Marilene, Pisano
A stress transfer model to predict the pullout resistance of extruded geogrids embedded in compacted granular soils
2014-01-01 Calvarano, Ls; Gioffrè, D; Cardile, G; Moraci, Nicola
A theoretical method to predict the pullout behaviour of extruded geogrids embedded in granular soils
2008-01-01 Moraci, Nicola; Cardile, G; Gioffre, D
Advances in soil reinforcement with geosynthetics: from laboratory tests to design practice
2020-01-01 Cardile, G; Pisano, M; Pisano, Marilene
An approach to analysis of environment induced decay by spectrophotogrammetric techniques
2008-01-01 Calabrò, E; Calabrò, R; Cardile, G; Chillè, S; Cubeta, G; D’Andrea, L; Pavone, E; Galli, G; LA TORRE, R; Magazù, S; Parisi, P
2010-01-01 Cardile, G; Moraci, Nicola
Comportamento all’interfaccia terreno-geosintetico nella zona di ancoraggio
2017-01-01 Moraci, N; Cardile, G; Pisano, M
Comportamento all’interfaccia terreno-geosintetico nella zona di ancoraggio [Soil-geosynthetic interface behaviour in the anchorage zone]
2017-01-01 Moraci, Nicola; Cardile, G; Pisano, M; Marilene, Pisano
2018-01-01 Pisano, M; Cardile, G; Moraci, Nicola
Comportamento in condizioni di sfilamento statico e ciclico di differenti geosintetici di rinforzo installati in terreni granulari compattati
2008-01-01 Cardile, G
Comportamento meccanico di geogriglie estruse in HDPE soggette a carichi di trazione ciclici
2017-01-01 Pisano, M; Cardile, G; Moraci, Nicola
Cyclic pullout behaviour of extruded geogrids
2008-01-01 Moraci, Nicola; Cardile, G
Cyclic pullout behaviour of geogrid embedded in compacted granular soils
2008-01-01 Moraci, Nicola; Cardile, G
Deformative behaviour of different geogrids embedded in a granular soil under monotonic and cyclic pullout loads
2012-01-01 Moraci, Nicola; Cardile, G.
Deterministic and Probabilistic Analyses of Slopes Reinforced with Vegetation
2020-01-01 Pisano, M; Cardile, G; Ricciardi, A; Marilene, Pisano
Environmental Aspects in Geosynthetic-Soil Reinforcement Structures: The Role of Vegetation
2016-01-01 Cazzuffi, D; Gioffrè, D; Cardile, G
European experience in pullout tests: The influence of geogrid’s geometry and structure on interface behavior
2011-01-01 Cazzuffi, D; Calvarano, Ls; Cardile, G; Moraci, Nicola; Recalcati, P
Experimental and theoretical study on interference phenomena between the bearing members of different geogrids in pullout loading conditions
2013-01-01 Calvarano, L. S.; Cardile, G; Gioffre’D, ; Moraci, Nicola; Recalcati, P. G.