infrastructure through an interpretation which takes account simultaneously of issues seemingly unrelated to one another: the lack of vision for the national economy, the impact of sector reforms that affect the spatial development, the role to be taken in the Euro-Mediterranean context. I have been thinking about why these specific conditions around the theme, as are grafted contaminating to identify new approaches and coherent action at the front of a unified vision and strategy disengagement partially delegated to the regions. This caused both a lack of clear vision as a function of an often ideological approach, it is impossible to renegotiate the role and place of Italy in the European space also in function of the South of the country. This revision of assets planned in the program document of the Italian semester in Europe, not fully exercised, saw the rescheduling of 2020 and TEN-T networks, a competitiveness objective. This instead became the acceptance of existing corridors and all centralized infrastructures, ports, airports, digital networks, with effect for the cities that are on there. Meanwhile, the new geography of the flows is featuring a geopolitical dynamic of the territories and the Mediterranean, in which other countries demonstrate tools for a competitive territorial cohesion. Today we are in a position of surrender of accounts, because, in addition to the negative externalities that can alter the contestable market economy (goods and people), it is recognizable the political destabilization in place in the Mediterranean and the Middle East, caused by wars, migrations and new economies on the one hand and on the other, the structure now called the German-Balkan Asiansystem up to Suez (which includes the railway system in Russia / China - the great northern European ports), integrated railway system Fermed reaching across France and Spain the Strait of Gibraltar and, in Italy, the biggest building site in Europe: Brennero, hub of the so-called “Corridor 5” from Helsinki to Valletta (formerly Berlin-Palermo). In addition, there are internal territorial contrasts due to gap not only of GDP and services, but also in terms of mobility. We hard to insert ourselves in the well-established and continuous system of European networks. The differentiation of the per capita offer in terms of efficiency and infrastructure quality – including all territorial allocations that determine quality of life and define the urban areas and even more metropolitan cities in a logic of economic and mobilization relationships – fail (except for some specific reality).to define positive indicators and/or significant to growth. Although the ports and logistics report (art.29 of Sblocca Italia) is to be built, and we must understand whether the national strategic plan of the port and logistics will be enough to change the trend. From the point of view of investors, or rather of a Europe that does not perceive the National Spatial Strategy in 2050 and to which contest some policies, weakens the institutional and territorial credibility and interacts with the completion of some more “developed areas” of the country that tend to run alone. Hence the need to intervene in an organic way and accomplished.
Si Affronta il tema del futuro delle infrastrutture attraverso unalettura che tiene conto simultaneamente di questioni apparentementeslegate tra di loro: dall’assenza di visione di Sistema Paese,all’impatto delle riforme di settore che influiscono nell’assetto delterritorio, al ruolo da assumere nel contesto euromediterraneo.Ho riflettuto sul perché di queste specifiche condizioni attornoal tema, in quanto si innestano contaminandosi per individuareapprocci nuovi e azioni coerenti a fronte di un disimpegnodi visione unitaria e di strategia delegata in parte alle Regioni.Ciò ha causato sia carenza di visione chiara in funzione di unapproccio spesso ideologico, che l’impossibilità di rinegoziare ilruolo e la collocazione nello Spazio europeo dell’Italia anche infunzione del Sud del Paese. Questa revisione di asset prevista neldocumento programmatico del semestre italiano in Europa, nonpienamente esercitata, vedeva nella rimodulazione della Strategia2020 e delle reti TEN-T, un obiettivo di competitività. Ciòinvece si è trasformato nell’accettazione degli attuali corridoi e ditutte le infrastrutture puntuali, porti, aeroporti, reti digitali, coneffetti per le città che vi si collocano. Intanto la nuova geografiadei flussi sta caratterizzando una geopolitica dinamica dei territorie del Mediterraneo, in cui altri Paesi dimostrano strumentiper la coesione territoriale più competitivi.Oggi siamo in una posizione di resa dei conti, perché oltre alleesternalità che possono alterare l’economia del mercato contendibile(merci e persone), si evidenziano la destabilizzazionepolitica in atto nel Mediterraneo e Medio-Oriente, causata daguerre, migrazioni e nuove economie da una parte e, dall’altra, lastruttura ormai definita del sistema asiatico-germanico-balcanicofino a Suez (che comprende il sistema ferroviario Russia-Cina– grandi porti del nord Europa), il sistema ferroviario integratoFermed che raggiunge attraversando Francia e Spagna lo strettodi Gibilterra e, in Italia, il più grande cantiere d’Europa il Brennero,snodo del cosiddetto “Corridoio 5” da Helsinki a La Valletta(ex Berlino-Palermo). A ciò si aggiungono contrasti territorialiinterni dovuti al divario non solo di PIL e servizi, ma anchein termini di mobilità. Stentiamo a inserirci nel sistema ormaiconsolidato e continuo delle reti europee. La differenziazione diofferta pro-capite in termini di efficienza e qualità infrastrutturale– includendo tutte le dotazioni territoriali che determinanoqualità della vita e definiscono le aree urbane e ancor di più leCittà metropolitane in una logica di relazioni economiche e dimobilità – non riesce (tranne che per alcune realtà specifiche) adefinire indicatori positivi e/o significativi alla crescita. Anche larelazione porti e logistica (art. 29 dello “Sblocca Italia”) è tutta dacostruire e bisognerà comprendere se il Piano strategico nazionaledella portualità e logistica basterà a cambiare la tendenza.Dal punto di vista degli investitori, o meglio di una Europa chenon percepisce la strategia territoriale nazionale al 2050 e a cuicontestare alcune politiche, indebolisce la credibilità istituzionalee territoriale e interagisce con la compiutezza di taluni ambitipiù “sviluppati” del Paese che tendono a correre da soli. Da qui lanecessità di intervenire in modo organico e compiuto.
Infrastrutture, territori e riforme.Risposte necessarie e strategie future / Moraci, Francesca. - In: TECHNE. - ISSN 2239-0243. - 11 Classe A:(2016), pp. 22-28. []
Infrastrutture, territori e riforme.Risposte necessarie e strategie future
MORACI, Francesca
infrastructure through an interpretation which takes account simultaneously of issues seemingly unrelated to one another: the lack of vision for the national economy, the impact of sector reforms that affect the spatial development, the role to be taken in the Euro-Mediterranean context. I have been thinking about why these specific conditions around the theme, as are grafted contaminating to identify new approaches and coherent action at the front of a unified vision and strategy disengagement partially delegated to the regions. This caused both a lack of clear vision as a function of an often ideological approach, it is impossible to renegotiate the role and place of Italy in the European space also in function of the South of the country. This revision of assets planned in the program document of the Italian semester in Europe, not fully exercised, saw the rescheduling of 2020 and TEN-T networks, a competitiveness objective. This instead became the acceptance of existing corridors and all centralized infrastructures, ports, airports, digital networks, with effect for the cities that are on there. Meanwhile, the new geography of the flows is featuring a geopolitical dynamic of the territories and the Mediterranean, in which other countries demonstrate tools for a competitive territorial cohesion. Today we are in a position of surrender of accounts, because, in addition to the negative externalities that can alter the contestable market economy (goods and people), it is recognizable the political destabilization in place in the Mediterranean and the Middle East, caused by wars, migrations and new economies on the one hand and on the other, the structure now called the German-Balkan Asiansystem up to Suez (which includes the railway system in Russia / China - the great northern European ports), integrated railway system Fermed reaching across France and Spain the Strait of Gibraltar and, in Italy, the biggest building site in Europe: Brennero, hub of the so-called “Corridor 5” from Helsinki to Valletta (formerly Berlin-Palermo). In addition, there are internal territorial contrasts due to gap not only of GDP and services, but also in terms of mobility. We hard to insert ourselves in the well-established and continuous system of European networks. The differentiation of the per capita offer in terms of efficiency and infrastructure quality – including all territorial allocations that determine quality of life and define the urban areas and even more metropolitan cities in a logic of economic and mobilization relationships – fail (except for some specific reality).to define positive indicators and/or significant to growth. Although the ports and logistics report (art.29 of Sblocca Italia) is to be built, and we must understand whether the national strategic plan of the port and logistics will be enough to change the trend. From the point of view of investors, or rather of a Europe that does not perceive the National Spatial Strategy in 2050 and to which contest some policies, weakens the institutional and territorial credibility and interacts with the completion of some more “developed areas” of the country that tend to run alone. Hence the need to intervene in an organic way and accomplished.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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