CARBONE, Rosario
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 1.592
EU - Europa 578
AS - Asia 298
SA - Sud America 100
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 6
OC - Oceania 5
AF - Africa 1
Totale 2.580
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 1.566
IT - Italia 229
SG - Singapore 127
FI - Finlandia 105
BR - Brasile 96
CN - Cina 92
DE - Germania 77
UA - Ucraina 29
SE - Svezia 27
CA - Canada 23
LT - Lituania 22
KR - Corea 21
GB - Regno Unito 20
BE - Belgio 19
VN - Vietnam 15
HK - Hong Kong 13
JP - Giappone 8
IE - Irlanda 7
NL - Olanda 7
TR - Turchia 7
EU - Europa 6
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 5
IN - India 5
AU - Australia 4
CH - Svizzera 4
ES - Italia 4
BG - Bulgaria 3
DK - Danimarca 3
RO - Romania 3
EE - Estonia 2
FR - Francia 2
IL - Israele 2
IR - Iran 2
KZ - Kazakistan 2
LV - Lettonia 2
PL - Polonia 2
RU - Federazione Russa 2
AR - Argentina 1
AT - Austria 1
BN - Brunei Darussalam 1
BO - Bolivia 1
BS - Bahamas 1
CL - Cile 1
EC - Ecuador 1
JO - Giordania 1
KH - Cambogia 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MK - Macedonia 1
MM - Myanmar 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PA - Panama 1
PR - Porto Rico 1
PT - Portogallo 1
TN - Tunisia 1
Totale 2.580
Città #
Chandler 325
Boardman 131
San Mateo 122
Santa Clara 112
Helsinki 105
Singapore 97
Brasília 89
Lawrence 89
Princeton 89
New York 79
Shanghai 74
Wilmington 74
Des Moines 40
Reggio Calabria 36
Milazzo 34
Ann Arbor 30
Brussels 19
Dong Ket 15
San Francisco 15
Ashburn 13
Hong Kong 13
Edinburgh 12
Los Angeles 12
Dallas 11
Norwalk 11
Pittsburgh 11
Toronto 10
Tokyo 8
Cosenza 7
Dublin 7
Milan 7
Seattle 7
Ottawa 6
Pescara 6
Amsterdam 5
Caserta 5
Prague 5
Catania 4
Dalmine 4
Madrid 4
Zurich 4
Copenhagen 3
Fairfield 3
Frankfurt am Main 3
Leawood 3
London 3
Montreal 3
Phoenix 3
Sofia 3
São Paulo 3
Traverse City 3
Beijing 2
Cedar Knolls 2
Delft 2
Fabrizia 2
Falkenstein 2
Gunzenhausen 2
Izmir 2
Melbourne 2
Menlo Park 2
Moscow 2
Paterno 2
Pune 2
Redmond 2
Riga 2
Rome 2
Sillavengo 2
Tallinn 2
Tel Aviv 2
Warsaw 2
Almaty 1
Amman 1
Ancaster 1
Andover 1
Atlanta 1
Bandar Seri Begawan 1
Berlin 1
Birmingham 1
Bisceglie 1
Bonndorf 1
Canberra 1
Chicago 1
Christchurch 1
Crotone 1
Dottingen 1
Florence 1
Garching 1
Greater Sudbury 1
Hamilton 1
Hanover 1
Houston 1
Huntington 1
Istanbul 1
Jung-gu 1
Kocaeli 1
La Canada Flintridge 1
Laurel 1
Lisbon 1
Luxembourg 1
Marina Di Gioiosa 1
Totale 1.845
Nome #
Inseguitore Solare Fotovoltaico 101
Experimenting a Distributed Passive MPPT based on Mini Battery-Packs to Cope with Short–Term Critical Partial Shadings on PV–Generators 74
Electric Load Influence on Performances of a Composite Plant for Hydrogen Production from RES and its Conversion in Electricity. 63
A Case-Study Plant for a Sustainable Redevelopment of Buildings Based on Storage and Reconversion of Hydrogen Generated by Using Solar Energy 59
Object-Oriented Development of Distributed Control Systems for Substation Automation 46
Some considerations on the Iterative Harmonic Analysis Convergence 45
A stand alone PV system with hydrogen storage and reconversion in fuel cells. 43
SPICE modelling of a complete photovoltaic system including modules, energy storage elements and a multilevel inverter 43
Harmonic and Interharmonic Distortion Modeling in Multiconverter Systems 42
Smart Utilization of Batteries in Grid-Connected PV-Plants 41
A Parallel Compensation Technique to Improve The Iterative Harmonic Analysis Convergence 41
A New Approach for the Computation of Harmonics and Interharmonics Produced by Line Commutated AC/DC/AC Converters 40
SPICE modelling and experiments on a complete photovoltaic system including cells, storage elements, inverter and load 39
A Building-Integrated Semi-Transparent PV-Generator Endowed with a Mono-Axial Solar Tracker 39
Measurement Uncertainty in Decision-Making: How to Take Reliable Decisions Under Uncertainty 38
A Review of Probabilistic Methods for the Analisys of Low Frequency Power System Harmonic Distortion 38
Analyzing Voltage Background Distortion Effects on PWM Adjustable-Speed Drives 37
A comparative analysis of passive power factor correctors for three-phase rectifiers 37
Il problema della contabilizzazione dell'energia elettrica in presenza di regime deformato: il caso di un impianto fotovoltaico 36
An improved three-phase rectifier for PWM adjustable speed drives with passive power factor correction and resistance emulation 35
A high performance rectifier for electrical power generation from marine currents 35
A High-Efficiency AC PV-Module for High-Quality Connection to Modern Low-Voltage Distribution Grids 34
Improving and Experimenting a Recently Introduced AC PV-Module 34
A passive power factor correction technique for single-phase thyristor-based controlled rectifiers 33
Distributed Energy Management Systems: Applicazione Sperimentale alla Regolazione della Tensione in Tempo Reale nelle Reti MT/BT 33
Grid-Connected PV-Plants Based on a Distributed Energy-Storage System and a Multilevel Inverter 32
L'uso del fotovoltaico nelle serre agricole 32
Analisi della distorsione causata da un un sistema statico di avviamento di una centrale di produzione e pompaggio 32
Iterative Harmonic and Interharmonic Analysis in Multiconverter Industrial Systems 32
RENEW, Produzione da fonti rinnovabili e valorizzazione energetica 32
A New Approach to Model AC/DC/AC Conversion Systems 32
A Passive MPPT Technique for Grid-connected Photovoltaic Systems 32
Parallel Distributed Implementation of the Iterative harmonic and interharmonic analysis on multi-drives systems based on single-drive EMTP-ATP simulations 31
A High-Power PWM Adjustable Speed Drive with Low Current Harmonics 31
A New Method Based on Periodic Convolution for Sensistivity Analysis of Multi-Stage Conversion Systems 31
A Single-phase to Three-phase Low-Power PWM Adjustable Speed Drive with Low Current harmonics 31
Measurement Uncertainty in Decision-Making: how to take reliable decisions under uncertainty 31
Recent advances on reducing harmonics in low-power adjustable speed drives 30
Harmonic and Interharmonic Distortion in Current Source Type Inverter Drives 30
EMTP errors in modeling resonant circuits 29
A Resistance Emulation Technique to Improve Efficiency of a PWM Adjustable Speed Drive with Passive Power Factor Correction 29
Numerical Analysis of Quality of Power generated by an Innovative AC PV-module 29
A Three-Phase Diode Rectifier with Low Current Harmonics 29
A High Efficiency Passive Power Factor Corrector for Single-Phase Bridge Diode Rectifiers 29
Analysis and Estimation of Truncation Errors in Modeling Resonant Circuits with the EMTP 28
EMTP accuracy in representing electrical power system resonances 28
Power factor and harmonic distortion optimization in a photovoltaic generating power station 28
Introducing a new AC PV-module 28
A New Passive Power Factor Corrector for Single-Phase Bridge Diode Rectifiers 28
Network impedance uncertainty in harmonic and interharmonic distortion studies 27
A Single-Phase Controlled Rectifier with unity Power Factor 27
Modeling Waveform Distortion Produced by High Speed AC Locomotive Converters 26
Metodi Per la Valutazione della Distorsione Armonica nei Sistemi Elettrici di Potenza - Parte I: Aspetti Teorici 26
A Parallel Compensation Technique to Improve the Convergence of Iterative Harmonic Analysis 25
Energy storage in grid-connected Photovoltaic plants 25
Un modello analitico semplificato per l’analisi probabilistica della distorsione di sistemi di conversione statica a doppio stadio 25
Metodi Per la Valutazione della Distorsione Armonica nei Sistemi Elettrici di Potenza - Parte II: Confronti e Sperimentazioni 23
Power Factor Correctors for Single-phase Rectifiers: a Comparative Performance Analysis 23
Attenuation of harmonic pollution due to the adjustable speed drives in the electric circuits of the power plant auxiliary services 20
Modelling of AC/DC/AC Conversion Systems with PWM Inverter 19
Modello affidabilistico di un convertitore cacc a ponte trifase con reiniezione della corrente di terza armonica 19
PV-plants for Powering Greenhouses 18
Recent Advances on AC PV-modules for Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Plants 18
One-shot SPICE simulation of photovoltaic modules, storage elements, inverter and load 18
Frequency Coupling Matrixes for Multi-Stage Conversion System Analysis 18
Frequency Domain Model For AC/DC/AC Conversion Systems 17
Sviluppo di un'applicazione su iPhone a supporto della contabilizzazione e analisi dell'energia elettrica 17
Probabilistic Modeling of Industrial Systems for Voltage Distortion Analyses 17
Analisi dell'incertezza di misura nella diagnosi dell'ipertensione polmonare 16
EMTP accuracy in representing electrical power system resonances 16
Sistema automatico di misura per il controllo dei parametri ambientali di una serra fotovoltaica 16
Il progetto di un sistema automatico di misura per la regolazione dei parametri ambientali di una serra fotovoltaica 16
Energy Accounting in Presence of Unbalances: The Case Study of a Photovoltaic Plant 15
Harmonic and Interharmonic Distortion Modelling in Current Source Type Inverter Drives for Asynchronous Motors 15
Grid-Connected Photovoltaic Plants: Energy Account Problems 14
Simplified Probabilistic Modeling of AC/DC/AC Power Converter Interharmonic Distortion 14
Photovoltaic systems for powering greenhouses 14
TUTORIAL on “Harmonic and interharmonic distortion: power system modeling aspects for compatibility analyses” 14
Maximizing benefits of batteries in residential grid-connected PV-plants subject to partial shading 14
Interharmonic Distortion in the Static Starting-up System of a Hydro-Electric Pumped-Storage Power Station 14
Harmonic and Interharmonic Distortion Modeling in Multiconverter Systems 14
On the billing of Electrical Energy Flows At Prosumers’ Busbar 13
Harmonic and Interharmonic Distortion in Current Source Type Inverter Drives 13
Analisi e modellazione della distorsione negli azionamenti statici per motori asincroni di grande potenza 13
Passive Harmonic Filtering Systems for Low Power PWM ASDs: A Comparative Analysis and Perspectives 13
Grid Connected Photovoltaic Systems with Energy Storage 13
A Building-Integrated Bifacial and Transparent PV Generator Operated by an “Under-Glass” Single Axis Solar Tracker 12
Monte Carlo Simulation of AC/DC/AC Power Converter Distortion 12
Progetto ed analisi delle prestazioni di un correttore di fattore di potenza per raddrizzatori monofase controllati 11
Metodi per la valutazione dell'entità della distorsione armonica ed interarmonica nei sistemi elettrici di potenza 11
Modello affidabilistico di un sistema di conversione ca/cc costituito da convertitori a ponti e filtri attivi 11
Experimenting with a Battery-Based Mitigation Technique for Coping with Predictable Partial Shading 8
Totale 2.622
Categoria #
all - tutte 24.039
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 24.039

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202048 0 0 0 0 0 1 5 8 3 9 1 21
2020/2021250 32 4 14 4 11 37 2 6 108 13 2 17
2021/2022392 5 2 122 38 0 6 9 74 14 9 33 80
2022/2023877 185 8 25 94 92 152 4 85 121 14 80 17
2023/2024567 38 37 115 6 41 96 7 16 16 32 99 64
2024/2025488 20 31 114 12 237 74 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 2.622