NUCARA, Antonino Francesco
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 3.142
EU - Europa 1.194
AS - Asia 735
SA - Sud America 209
OC - Oceania 12
AF - Africa 9
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 9
Totale 5.310
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 3.074
IT - Italia 414
SG - Singapore 366
CN - Cina 232
BR - Brasile 201
DE - Germania 192
FI - Finlandia 184
LT - Lituania 126
GB - Regno Unito 71
CA - Canada 65
SE - Svezia 56
BE - Belgio 48
IR - Iran 32
IN - India 19
HK - Hong Kong 17
TR - Turchia 15
KR - Corea 14
AU - Australia 12
DK - Danimarca 10
NL - Olanda 10
PL - Polonia 10
VN - Vietnam 10
IE - Irlanda 9
RO - Romania 9
EU - Europa 8
AT - Austria 7
EE - Estonia 7
FR - Francia 7
JP - Giappone 7
CH - Svizzera 5
ES - Italia 5
GR - Grecia 5
BG - Bulgaria 4
BN - Brunei Darussalam 4
PK - Pakistan 4
RU - Federazione Russa 4
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 3
UA - Ucraina 3
ZA - Sudafrica 3
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 2
AF - Afghanistan, Repubblica islamica di 2
BD - Bangladesh 2
CL - Cile 2
EC - Ecuador 2
EG - Egitto 2
MN - Mongolia 2
PT - Portogallo 2
TN - Tunisia 2
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 1
AM - Armenia 1
AR - Argentina 1
BT - Bhutan 1
CO - Colombia 1
CY - Cipro 1
HR - Croazia 1
HU - Ungheria 1
JM - Giamaica 1
LU - Lussemburgo 1
MA - Marocco 1
MX - Messico 1
NG - Nigeria 1
PE - Perù 1
PH - Filippine 1
PR - Porto Rico 1
SA - Arabia Saudita 1
SY - Repubblica araba siriana 1
TW - Taiwan 1
VE - Venezuela 1
Totale 5.310
Città #
Chandler 711
Singapore 232
Boardman 221
San Mateo 211
Santa Clara 190
Helsinki 183
Lawrence 148
Princeton 148
Brasília 135
New York 129
Wilmington 127
Reggio Calabria 110
Shanghai 110
Ashburn 72
Des Moines 69
Ann Arbor 54
Brussels 47
Pittsburgh 44
Toronto 38
Frankfurt am Main 27
Milazzo 26
Dallas 22
Beijing 21
London 21
Norwalk 20
Ottawa 19
San Francisco 19
Falls Church 18
Catania 17
Hong Kong 15
Los Angeles 14
Zanjan 14
Seattle 13
Tappahannock 12
Bisceglie 11
Bonndorf 11
Cedar Knolls 10
Edinburgh 10
Leawood 10
Andover 9
Dong Ket 9
Redmond 9
Sesto Fiorentino 9
Warsaw 9
Chicago 8
Dublin 8
Redwood City 8
Copenhagen 7
Cosenza 7
Dalian 7
Sacramento 7
Tallinn 7
Tokyo 7
Vienna 7
Henderson 6
Pune 6
Rome 6
São Paulo 6
Amsterdam 5
Gelsenkirchen 5
Hanover 5
Kocaeli 5
Messina 5
Bandar Seri Begawan 4
Belo Horizonte 4
Caltanissetta 4
Dalmine 4
Guangzhou 4
Izmir 4
Melbourne 4
Sofia 4
Washington 4
Winnipeg 4
Zurich 4
Athens 3
Bangalore 3
Bari 3
Freiburg 3
Gunzenhausen 3
Houston 3
Kashan 3
Lahore 3
Lamezia Terme 3
Madrid 3
Munich 3
Nanning 3
Palermo 3
Pescara 3
Prague 3
Randazzo 3
Santa Teresa Di Riva 3
Wormer 3
Adrano 2
Augusta 2
Brisbane 2
Campinas 2
Canberra 2
Casalvecchio Siculo 2
Central 2
Florence 2
Totale 3.590
Nome #
Does window-to-wall ratio have a significant effect on the energy consumption of buildings? A parametric analysis in Italian climate conditions 102
An energy self-sufficient public building using integrated renewable sources and hydrogen storage 96
Energy performance of an electrochromic switchable glazing: Experimental and computational assessments 81
The spatial evaluation of the radiative human body heat exchanges: An effective contribution for limiting energy consumption and achieving better indoor conditions in buildings. 80
Sustainable Mobility: Environmental and Economic Analysis of a Cable Railway, Powered by Photovoltaic System 78
Towards the nearly zero and the plus energy building: primary energy balances and economic evaluations 77
Two Operative Risk Indicators as Tools for Negotiating Contracts Between Curators of Museums and HVAC Technical Services Providers 74
Analysis of acoustics performances of façade components of buildings with reference to the external acoustic climate 63
Proposal of comfort classification indexes suitable for both single environments and whole buildings 63
Electric Load Influence on Performances of a Composite Plant for Hydrogen Production from RES and its Conversion in Electricity. 63
A Case-Study Plant for a Sustainable Redevelopment of Buildings Based on Storage and Reconversion of Hydrogen Generated by Using Solar Energy 59
A comparison between energetic and thermal comfort evaluations in buildings carried out using stationary and transient methods 58
An algorithm for the assessment of subjective adaptive thermal comfort conditions based on multi-agent systems. 57
A generalized model of human body radiative heat exchanges for optimal design of indoor thermal comfort conditions 57
Analysis of the Reduction of Pollutant Emissions by the Vehicle Fleet of the City of Reggio Calabria Due to the Introduction of Ecological Vehicles 57
The assessment of road traffic air pollution by means of an average emission parameter 56
Mapping of the indoor comfort conditions considering the effect of solar radiation 56
Thermal comfort in indoor environment: Effect of the solar radiation on the radiant temperature asymmetry 55
Energetic and economic analysis of a stand alone PV system with hydrogen storage 53
Hydrogen production from RES, storage and reconversion in fuel cells. 53
Thermal Comfort 48
Criteri e metodologie d’indagine fonometrica 48
Teoria e tecnica dei digestori anaerobici per la produzione di biogas 48
A more environmentally conscious design of solar building: the role of acoustical insulation with reference to traffic noise 48
Electrolytic hydrogen production from renewable source, storage and reconversion in fuel cells: the system of the Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria. 47
Green vs Traditional Roofs: Assessing their Actual Benefits through an Integrated Indicator Developed for Cool Roofs 46
Assessment of the mean radiant temperature in urban areas: comparison of alternative methods 46
Multi-Agent Systems as Eeffective Tools for the Uuser-Based Thermal Comfort: an Introduction. 45
Economic, energetic and environmental analysis of the waste management system of Reggio Calabria 45
The effect of the short wave radiation and its reflected components on the Mean Radiant Temperature: modelling and preliminary experimental results 45
Economical comparison between a stand-alone configuration of a PV system with energy storage and a grid-connected one. 45
An Anthropometric Analysis of Seated and Standing People 44
Il benessere termoigrometrico e il voto medio previsto 44
A comparison between energy assessments in buildings carried out by means of both steady and transient states simulation methods 44
An energetic-environmental building simulation model in transient state aimed at comfort evaluations 44
Evaluation of the direct and diffused component of solar radiation starting from global radiation measurements: Preliminary analysis 44
Multi-Agent Systems as Effective Tools for the User-Based Thermal Comfort: an Introduction 43
A stand alone PV system with hydrogen storage and reconversion in fuel cells. 43
A comparison between analytical models and artificial neural networks for the evaluation of traffic noise levels 43
Energetic and Economic Analysis of Shading Effects on PV Panels Energy Production 43
The role of transportation and its involved sources of energy in the environmental assessment of marble producing sites. 43
Advanced energy saving laws in the building sector: the italian case 42
Economical comparison among technical solutions for thermal energy production in buildings based on both conventional and solar res systems 42
The housing quality level in the urban contexts: the link between outdoor and indoor environments 41
Application to the Town of Villa San Giovanni (Southern Italy) of an Analysis Method Aimed at Evaluating Indoor Acustic Conditions with Reference to Building Elements and outdoor Noise 41
Air pollution estimation from data referring to the running car fleet 40
Caratterizzazione preliminare di modelli previsionali del rumore per strade con tipologia ad "U" della città di Reggio Calabria 40
Effects of the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic on CO2 Emissions in the Port Areas of the Strait of Messina 39
A computer program for computing view factors between body human and non orthogonal surfaces 39
Analisi delle prestazioni energetiche del parco edilizio urbano della città di Reggio Calabria ed azioni di intervento per la sua riqualificazione 39
The calculation of the mean radiant temperature of a subject exposed to the solar radiation – A generalised algorithm 39
The Effect of the Climatic Condition on the Radiant Asymmetry 39
An MAS based subjective model for indoor adaptive thermal comfort. 39
Vetrate innovative per il risparmio energetico. 38
A method for assessing integral building envelope performances 38
An experimental apparatus for singling out human body radiation data 38
Application to the cities of Reggio Calabria and Villa San Giovanni of an analysis method aimed at characterizing building elements with reference to outdoor noise in different acoustic zones 38
Experimental measurements of the thermal conductivity of insulant elements made of natural materials: preliminary results 38
A model for managing and evaluating solar radiation for indoor thermal comfort 38
Application to the town of Reggio Calabria of an analysis method aimed at characterizing building elements with reference to outdoor noise in different acoustic zones 38
Sperimentazione di procedure per la valutazione delle prestazioni energetiche dell’edificio: confronto fra modelli dettagliati e semplificati 37
Definizione di un modello di comfort soggettivo adattativo basato sull’utilizzo di agenti intelligenti 37
Solar energy entering glazed surfaces: computation of the abatement due to the building envelope 37
Classificazione acustica dell’area urbana di Reggio Calabria secondo il DPCM 1/3/1991 37
Application of a graphic method for the determination of the maximum olf load in a building 37
Integrated methods for establishing the sustainability of urban policies: applying Ecological Footprint to the Municipal Solid Waste management. 36
Energy consumption and indoor air quality in residenzial buildings 36
Analisi dell’influenza delle superfici vetrate a trasmittanza solare variabile sui consumi energetici e le prestazioni indoor di un edificio residenziale 36
Energetic and economic assessment of technical solutions aimed at improving both energy and comfort performances of buildings in Mediterranean climates 35
Studio della qualità dell’aria in ambienti chiusi: le tecniche spettroscopiche 35
Angle Factors and Projected Area Factors for Comfort Analysis of Subjects in Complex Confined Enclosures: Analytical Relations and Experimental Results 34
Modelli di calcolo per la certificazione energetica a confronto, con particolare riferimento al regime estivo. 34
Integrated analysis of the performances of façades for indoor comfort purposes 34
Mobilità sostenibile: analisi economica ed ambientale di un sistema di trasporto collettivo funicolare alimentato da impianto fotovoltaico 34
Automatic determination of solar access and shading of buildings in complex situations. Graphic and analytic approaches 34
Un modello computerizzato per la definizione puntuale delle condizioni di comfort termoigrometrico in ambienti complessi 34
A Subjective Adaptive Approach for Comfort in Indoor Environments based on Multi-Agent Systems 34
Human body view factors computation: an annotated comparison between two algorithms 34
Human body view factors for composite plane surfaces 33
Energy saving and indoor comfort features in residential buildings using electro-chromic windows 33
Proposta di indice di classificazione del comfort indoor. 33
Pursuing softer urban mobility behaviors through game-based apps 33
Un modello dinamico per la simulazione del comportamento termoigrometrico degli edifici su foglio elettronico Excel 33
Assessment of the Road Traffic Air Pollution in Urban Contexts: A Statistical Approach 33
Benessere termoigrometrico 32
Assessment and computerized mapping of urban acoustic features 32
Un confronto tra modelli analitici e reti neurali artificiali per la valutazione dei livelli di rumore da traffico veicolare 31
Un modello di simulazione energetico-ambientale degli ambienti confinati finalizzato a valutazioni di comfort 31
Greenhouse gas emissions reduction in an Italian medium size town according to the European Directive 31
Effect of the thermal storage dimensions on the performances of solar photovoltaic-thermal systems 31
Application to the town of Villa San Giovanni (southern Italy) of an analysis method aimed at evaluating indoor acoustic conditions with reference to building elements and outdoor noise 31
Evaluating human body area factors from digital images: A measurement tool for a better evaluation of the ergonomics of working places 30
Renewable energy and hydrogen production for an energy self-sufficient building in local government 29
Outdoor mean radiant temperature estimation: is the black-globe thermometer method a feasible course of action? 29
Optimization of the glazed surface of a building with reference to its consumption for thermal and lighting purposes 29
La Legge 10/91 al servizio del progetto termico degli edifici: implicazioni energetiche ed ambientali 28
Zonizzazione acustica delle aree urbane alla luce delle direttive vigenti 28
Il benessere termico 28
Metodi di calcolo dei consumi energetici dell’edificio ai fini della certificazione energetica: un confronto tra modelli in regime stazionario e transitorio 27
Effetto sulle emissioni inquinanti dell’adozione del piano regolatore portuale della città di Messina 27
Totale 4.337
Categoria #
all - tutte 47.442
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 47.442

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020248 0 0 0 0 0 2 40 72 13 78 19 24
2020/2021420 28 0 51 9 62 38 52 3 135 26 4 12
2021/2022757 5 0 213 61 15 19 13 118 33 21 107 152
2022/20231.725 306 14 40 246 201 292 9 178 239 50 125 25
2023/20241.158 87 63 175 23 99 189 39 42 14 124 171 132
2024/20251.241 39 106 267 93 565 171 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 5.549