1.1 Articolo in rivista
 Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 201.677
EU - Europa 79.828
AS - Asia 47.988
SA - Sud America 10.907
OC - Oceania 911
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 624
AF - Africa 518
AN - Antartide 4
Totale 342.457
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 199.249
IT - Italia 33.054
SG - Singapore 25.657
CN - Cina 13.199
DE - Germania 11.457
BR - Brasile 10.268
FI - Finlandia 10.031
SE - Svezia 4.508
FR - Francia 3.824
LT - Lituania 3.321
GB - Regno Unito 2.710
BE - Belgio 2.329
CA - Canada 2.102
VN - Vietnam 1.632
HK - Hong Kong 1.580
TR - Turchia 1.318
RU - Federazione Russa 1.184
IN - India 1.077
NL - Olanda 904
IR - Iran 851
JP - Giappone 809
AU - Australia 802
RO - Romania 790
CH - Svizzera 595
EU - Europa 582
AT - Austria 516
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 510
UA - Ucraina 479
PL - Polonia 471
ES - Italia 433
IE - Irlanda 383
EE - Estonia 285
KR - Corea 235
GR - Grecia 222
HR - Croazia 206
BG - Bulgaria 193
HU - Ungheria 183
IL - Israele 182
RS - Serbia 171
DK - Danimarca 164
PT - Portogallo 158
AR - Argentina 149
ID - Indonesia 147
PA - Panama 134
PK - Pakistan 126
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 126
CL - Cile 123
BD - Bangladesh 120
LU - Lussemburgo 120
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 118
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 109
SA - Arabia Saudita 104
EC - Ecuador 100
PE - Perù 100
NG - Nigeria 96
MD - Moldavia 95
ZA - Sudafrica 92
IQ - Iraq 86
MA - Marocco 85
MX - Messico 83
NO - Norvegia 77
LV - Lettonia 76
EG - Egitto 73
CO - Colombia 69
TW - Taiwan 66
PH - Filippine 63
AL - Albania 62
MY - Malesia 58
TH - Thailandia 55
AM - Armenia 48
AZ - Azerbaigian 46
SI - Slovenia 42
JO - Giordania 40
A2 - ???statistics.table.value.countryCode.A2??? 36
DZ - Algeria 34
KZ - Kazakistan 33
LA - Repubblica Popolare Democratica del Laos 33
TN - Tunisia 32
BN - Brunei Darussalam 31
BO - Bolivia 31
VE - Venezuela 31
NP - Nepal 30
CY - Cipro 29
BY - Bielorussia 28
UZ - Uzbekistan 28
LK - Sri Lanka 27
CR - Costa Rica 26
KE - Kenya 26
MK - Macedonia 24
OM - Oman 24
PY - Paraguay 21
CI - Costa d'Avorio 19
KH - Cambogia 19
PS - Palestinian Territory 19
BA - Bosnia-Erzegovina 18
IS - Islanda 18
KG - Kirghizistan 18
DO - Repubblica Dominicana 17
JM - Giamaica 13
LY - Libia 13
Totale 342.190
Città #
Chandler 44.618
Singapore 16.686
San Mateo 14.739
Boardman 13.027
Santa Clara 12.509
Helsinki 9.972
Lawrence 8.486
Princeton 8.481
Brasília 7.898
New York 7.313
Wilmington 7.010
Shanghai 6.909
Des Moines 6.797
Ann Arbor 5.883
Ashburn 5.671
Reggio Calabria 4.191
Brussels 2.275
Rome 1.917
Dallas 1.827
Los Angeles 1.738
Dong Ket 1.557
Hong Kong 1.334
Pittsburgh 1.313
Toronto 1.224
Norwalk 1.195
San Francisco 1.078
Cedar Knolls 1.055
Milan 1.025
Frankfurt am Main 1.010
Cosenza 957
Seattle 892
Kocaeli 865
Falls Church 810
Tokyo 739
Milazzo 726
Chicago 674
Moscow 669
Edinburgh 657
London 601
Beijing 587
Catania 561
Naples 512
Pune 495
Palermo 489
Pescara 486
Bonndorf 479
Redwood City 477
Zurich 477
Redmond 454
Amsterdam 446
Ottawa 439
Vienna 433
Traverse City 420
Washington 413
Prague 399
Paris 393
Tappahannock 386
Zanjan 368
Warsaw 356
Dalmine 350
Dublin 349
Gelsenkirchen 349
Messina 342
Bari 333
Martina Franca 309
São Paulo 304
Andover 300
St Louis 297
Tallinn 285
Guangzhou 281
Melbourne 278
Brescia 276
Leawood 267
Florence 247
Catanzaro 245
Bologna 235
Gunzenhausen 231
Munich 225
Madrid 217
Canberra 209
Mumbai 197
Hanover 195
Zagreb 192
Shenzhen 190
Lamezia Terme 182
Houston 180
Sydney 180
Sofia 178
Athens 176
Marina Di Gioiosa Jonica 166
Belgrade 165
Turin 164
Haikou 162
Bergamo 160
Horia 160
Napoli 159
Berlin 157
Manchester 156
Stockholm 153
Sacramento 150
Totale 224.749
Nome #
La didattica inclusiva con Studenti con disabilità sensoriali. Fra multisensorialità, tecnologie, vicarianza 3.160
L'apprendimento cooperativo come strategia didattico-inclusiva 2.977
Jatropha curcas sludge valorization 699
Il gioco come strumento di cura educativa: cenni storici e codici pedagogici a confronto. Play as an educational tool: a comparison of histories and pedagogical codes 685
L’acaro della ruggine degli agrumi (Aculops pelekassi (Keifer)) 312
The commercial space as an engine for urban regeneration: the Main Street Program in the United States 303
Evoluzione ed involuzione delle discipline normative sull’accesso a dati, informazioni ed atti delle pubbliche amministrazioni 302
Septoria unedonis var. vellanensis agente di macchie fogliari su corbezzolo 290
La devianza e la marginalità nelle periferie urbane: il recupero educativo per una giustizia a misura di minore 244
Pavement Sustainability: Permeable Wearing Courses by Recycling Porous European Mixes 215
Salvidieno Rufo e la legio X Fretensis nella guerra navale fra Ottaviano e Sesto Pompeo (42-36 a.C.) 203
La discrezionalità amministrativa tra semplificazioni e liberalizzazioni, anche alla luce della legge n. 124/2015 182
1. All’origine del progetto, paesaggio storico e patrimonio culturale. Città, architetture e percorsi nel versante ionico della Calabria meridionale 169
L’evoluzione della forma di governo italiana: dal parlamentarismo rigido e razionalizzato al parlamentarismo flessibile, con supplenza presidenziale 169
I due volti del silenzio 160
Influenza della durata e del metodo nell'estrazione di acido glicirrizico da radici di piante spontanee di liquirizia (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.) 151
Corporeità e inclusione. Una ricerca con i futuri insegnanti specializzati 150
A Privacy-Preserving Localization Service for Assisted Living Facilities 149
La strana storia delle stabilizzazioni dei lavoratori precari nel settore pubblico 148
Individual and joint activity of terpenoids, isolated from Calamintha nepeta extract, on Arabidopsis thaliana 146
5G Network Slicing for Vehicle-to-Everything Services 141
L’Universal Design for Learning per una didattica a misura dello studente 139
L’amore dei lontani: universalità e intergenerazionalità dei diritti fondamentali fra ragionevolezza e globalizzazione 134
Temperature Sensing and Evaluation of Thermal Effects on Battery Packs for Automotive Applications 133
Azione dei ceppi criotolleranti di Saccharomyces cerevisiae sulla composizione dei vini da Inzolia. 132
Object-Based Land Cover Classification of Cork Oak Woodlands using UAV Imagery and Orfeo ToolBox 131
A 2D Non-Linear Second-Order Differential Model for Electrostatic Circular Membrane MEMS Devices: A Result of Existence and Uniqueness 129
Geometric References of Roman Mosaics in North Africa 124
Trasparenza e digitalizzazione 124
Luigi Vanvitelli a Siena e i disegni di progetto per la Chiesa di S. Agostino 124
1. L'educazione al paesaggio come contributo specifico italiano all'attuazione dell'Agenda 2030 (Landascape education as italian contribution to the implementation of the Agenda 2030) 124
Algoritmocracia e movimentos migratórios: os desafios do novo milénio 123
La sentenza Google Spain ed il diritto all'oblio nello spazio giuridico europeo. 121
Shelf-life of almond pastry cookies with different types of packaging and levels of temperature 120
1.55 um silicon-based reflection-type waveguide-integrated thermo-optic 2 ×2 switch 119
Proposal of a Key Performance Indicator for Railway Track Based on LCC and RAMS Analyses 115
Gazing into the crystal ball: when the Future Internet meets the Mobile Clouds 113
Firewood cable extraction in the southern Mediterranean area of Italy 113
A Smart Power Meter to Monitor Energy Flow in Smart Grids: The Role of Advanced Sensing and IoT in the Electric Grid of the Future 113
A multi-radionuclide approach to evaluate the suitability of 239+240Pu as soil erosion tracer 112
Effects of Heterogeneous Mobility on D2D- and Drone-Assisted Mission-Critical MTC in 5G 111
Il "principio di decisività" dei vizi della sentenza nel controllo della Corte di cassazione 111
Use of genome sequence data in the design and testing of SSR markers for Phytophthora species 111
Use of digestate as an alternative to mineral fertilizer: effects on growth and crop quality 110
Mixed infection by Pepino mosaic virus and Tomato chlorosis virus in protected tomato crops in Sicily 109
A Real-Time Decision Platform for the Management of Structures and Infrastructures 108
Harvesting system sustainability in Mediterranean olive cultivation 108
Abitare la fragilità: strategie per la messa in sicurezza del patrimonio edilizio esistente 107
The assessment of hazelnut mechanical harvesting productivity 107
Psychosocial risk factors’ impact pathway for social life cycle assessment: an application to citrus life cycles in South Italy 107
Macrotexture modeling and experimental validation for pavement surface treatments 107
Validating the use of 137Cs and 210Pbex measurements to estimate rates of soil loss from cultivated land in Southern Italy 106
3-(Methoxycarbonylmethylene) isobenzofuran-1-imines as a new class of potential herbicides 105
Effect of saline water on seed germination and early seedling growth of the halophyte quinoa 105
Energy savings in transportation: Setting up an innovative SHM method 105
Short-term effects of olive mill wastewater application on the hydrological and physico-chemical properties of a loamy soil 104
Valorisation of citrus processing waste: A review 104
Dignità dell’uomo e giurisprudenza costituzionale (prime notazioni) 104
Riconoscere e promuovere il talento e l’alto potenziale di studenti Gifted: dai test di valutazione alle strategie didattiche personalizzate. 103
Single Frequency-Based Device-to-Device-Enhanced Video Delivery for Evolved Multimedia Broadcast and Multicast Services 103
Effects of traffic control regulation on Network Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram: A statistical analysis of real data 102
Acoustic evaluation of wood quality with a non-destructive method in standing trees: a first survey in Italy 102
Does window-to-wall ratio have a significant effect on the energy consumption of buildings? A parametric analysis in Italian climate conditions 102
Are raw materials or composting conditions and time that most influence the maturity and/or quality of composts? Comparison of obtained composts on soil properties 102
4H-SiC p-i-n diode as highly linear temperature sensor 102
85-440 K Temperature Sensor Based on a 4H-SiC Schottky Diode 102
An indoor ultrasonic system for autonomous 3D positioning 101
A life cycle scenario analysis of different pavement technologies for urban roads 101
Radiological assessment, mineralogy and geochemistry of the heavy-mineral placers from the Calabrian coast (South Italy) 101
A first inventory of gypsum flora in the Palearctic and Australia 100
Graphene-based derivative as interfacial layer in graphene/n-Si Schottky barrier solar cells 100
Adaptive Image Contrast Enhancement by Computing Distances into a 4-Dimensional Fuzzy Unit Hypercube 100
Interactions between pupae of the pine processionary moth (Thaumetopoea pityocampa) and parasitoids in a Pinus forest. 100
Indagini sul ruolo ecologico di Aceria sheldoni su limone 100
A new form of assortativity in online social networks 100
Experimenting with Certified Reputation in a Competitive Multi-Agent Scenario 100
3-D field intensity shaping via optimized multi-target time reversal 100
A System for Privacy-Preserving Access Accountability in Critical Environments 100
3D - FEM Analysis on geogrid reinforced flexible pavement roads 100
Agronomic evaluation and genetic characterization of different accessions in lentil (Lens Culinaris Medik) 99
A note on Hermite multiwavelets with polynomial and exponential vanishing moments 99
1.55 um Silicon-Based Reflection-Type Waveguide-Integrated Thermo-Optic Switch 99
Energy and environmental life cycle assessment of an institutional catering service: An italian case study 99
"Non gli è lecito separarmi da ciò che è mio".Riflessioni sulla maternità surrogata aĺla luce dalla rivendicazione di Antigone 98
A model to support design and development of multiple-social-network applications 98
A case study on productivity of forwarder extraction in small scale Southern Italian forests 97
Shelf life extension to reduce food losses: The case of Mozzarella Cheese 97
Influence of the roughness of floor tiles on the cleanability from wheat flour residues in agri-food buildings 97
Comparing Twitter and Facebook user behavior: Privacy and other aspects 97
Benzofuran-2-acetic esters as a new class of natural-like herbicides 97
Infrared Thermographic Investigation of the Use of Microcrystalline Wax to Preserve Apples from Thermal Shocks 97
A novel GIS-based approach to assess beekeeping suitability of Mediterranean lands 96
An energy self-sufficient public building using integrated renewable sources and hydrogen storage 96
Packaging and storage condition affect the physicochemical properties of red raspberries (Rubus idaeus L., cv. Erika) 96
Agronomic performance and grain quality of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) landraces and improved varieties grown in a Mediterranean environment 96
A fuzzy divergence approach for solving electrostatic identification problems for NDT applications 95
Planning urban distribution center location with variable restocking demand scenarios: General methodology and testing in a medium-size town 95
Totale 19.511

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/202012.752 0 0 0 0 0 464 2.386 2.697 1.138 2.107 984 2.976
2020/202124.493 1.254 240 1.786 1.026 3.041 2.108 2.168 1.748 5.191 3.123 652 2.156
2021/202251.536 895 457 15.618 5.371 1.393 1.246 1.410 6.339 2.805 1.570 5.502 8.930
2022/2023116.810 17.529 2.572 2.226 15.418 13.786 23.607 1.001 10.906 16.700 2.757 8.403 1.905
2023/202476.150 5.218 5.384 8.730 1.754 7.011 13.025 2.460 3.578 1.918 5.783 11.179 10.110
2024/202577.071 4.168 8.779 18.068 4.978 29.937 11.141 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 358.820